What Toronto’s Jewish Voters Should Know About George Smitherman

Today, George Smitherman publicly boasted of his recent endorsement by the Canadian Arab Federation.

Among other things, this group has:
•    Distributed flyers encouraging delegates to the Liberal leadership convention to vote against Bob Rae because his wife is Jewish
•    Stated that Mr. Rae’s wife “supports ethnic cleansing”
•    Stated that they “don’t want another Zionist as Prime Minister”
•    Called for Hamas and Hezbollah to be removed from Canada’s list of banned terrorist organizations
•    Called terrorist organization Hezbollah a “symbol of the struggle against Israeli injustice and oppression”
•    Supported the call for a boycott of all Israeli goods
•    Called for the repeal of the $1B per year Israel-Canada Free Trade Agreement
•    Publicly attacked Mayor David Miller for participating in the UJA Walk for Israel fundraiser
•    Called moderate Muslim leader Tarek Fatah a “house negro” who “serves Zionist masters”
•    Called immigration minister Jason Kenney a “professional whore” after he revoked their funding following their numerous hateful anti-Israel comments
•    Sponsored an essay competition in Toronto high schools on the “ethnic cleansing of Palestine”

Additionally, a VP of the group was forced to resign after declaring July 1st to be “Fuck Canada Day” and stating that he “couldn’t be more ashamed to be Canadian.”

Their current VP was also recorded physically assaulting a blogger who was filming him while he led a protest against a visit to Toronto by Israel PM Netanyahu.
As if accepting this endorsement and publicly boasting of it were not enough, Mr. Smitherman today attended a debate sponsored by the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies, of all places, where candidates were asked about the inclusion of the group “Queers Against Israeli Apartheid” which participated in the taxpayer-funded Pride Parade. While candidates Rob Ford and Rocco Rossi stated that city funding should be revoked if this group is again permitted to participate, Mr. Smitherman refused to join in this call.

Given Mr. Smitherman’s willingness to embrace organizations plainly hostile and hateful towards our community, before we vote, we need to ask ourselves how our community would be affected if, G-d forbid, he were ever to become mayor of Toronto.

19 responses to “What Toronto’s Jewish Voters Should Know About George Smitherman

  1. You should add in the info about Thomson’s support & funding for QUAIA. 🙂

  2. How can I check the validity of your comments and accusations ? I am unable to do so on “snopes.com”.

  3. I can find absolutely no confirmation of your allegation that Smitherman “publicly boasted of his recent endorsement by the Canadian Arab Federation.”

    Unless you can prove this I urge readers to consider this nothing more than an attempt to embarass Smitherman. In otherwords with no proof consider it a lie.

    • Dude, he put it on his website and on his Twitter feed. The Canadian Arab Federation is part of the “Colour of Poverty” campaign that endorsed Smitherman. He met with, accepted and publicized an endorsement by a group that includes the CAF.

  4. If he did he hid it pretty well. I would urge you to provide a link as proof without it people will simply not believe you.

  5. Here’s George braggin about the endorsement he received from the Colour of Poverty Campaign that the Canadian Arab Federation is part of http://twitter.com/#!/TeamSmitherman/status/26466695615

  6. That is messed up, Smitherman is seeking the voters trust and he doesn’t have the smarts to investigate the groups that endorse him? Golly that doesn’t seem especially bright to me.

  7. That’s it??!! That’s your proof that George Smitherman as RFC wrote “George Smitherman publicly boasted of his recent endorsement by the Canadian Arab Federation.”

    That was not an endorsement by CAF. It was a report card by dozens of social service groups on diveristy of which the CAF was one. Not only is this misleading it goes way beyond that…its a toatal misrepresentation of the truth. Really shameful. This won’t stop me from voting for Ford but I hate politcal groupies that lie in order to push an agenda.

  8. Josh, up till now I really admired your take on the issues. This however hits your credibility very hard. Pete Charney is right when he basically insinuates that you are playing with words, more like making it up.
    Rob Ford doesn’t need lies to win this one. He has it in the bag unless you or others continue to make up stories in order to give him an edge. he don’t need it.

  9. I would like a fact check of every allegation that you have posted for clarity. As a Jew ready to vote on October 25th I would like you to have a fact check on every allegation that you have put forth.

    • radiofreecanada

      Rabbi, please see the post I wrote today detailing and linking to the statements in question as well as additional ones.

  10. Nonsense Charney CAF is a member of that NGO group, they endorsed Smitherman. It’s not our fault Smitherman is so craven a vote whore he couldn’t be bothered to check out who was endorsing him.

  11. Your hateful blogging about George Smitherman is shocking.
    I am a proud member of the Jewish community and have been spending hours attempting to undo the damage. You do not speak on behalf of Toronto’s Jews – only a small, close-minded, creepy little corner.
    If you only put that sort of energy into doing something positive it would be a real mitzvah.

  12. http://jmortonmusings.blogspot.com/2010/10/what-torontos-jewish-voters-should-know.html

    Perhaps you should all check this out. The easiest way to smear a campaign is to spew nonsense. How about focusing on your own candidate instead of spewing garbage!

    • radiofreecanada

      I don’t have a candidate. But I invite you to read the response to the lies and distortions in Morton’s letter. It’s the lead headline on my blog right now

  13. Total nonsense. Why did it come out just now? It is clear cut – smear campaign. Until now I was inclined to vote for Ford, but this thing has changed my mind. I’ll go with Smitherman. Thank you RadioFreeCanada for opening my eyes!
    The word “dude” used by radiofreecanada in his response to Pete Charney just shows his level of intelligence (somewhere around the bottom of Lake Baikal, the deepest lake on earth, 1642m deep). Then it couldn’t provide any link as Pete had requested.
    I have a request to you, Radiofreecanada. Please continue your smear campaign against Smitherman to make sure he wins.

  14. With Rob Ford on Council and Miller as Mayor, Toronto has donated $50,000 a year of our tax funds to the Arab Community Centre of Toronto. Have Toronto Jews been so negatively affected by this support of Arabs? Is it going to be any different under Smitherman whose policies are much more right-wing than Miller’s? At least Smitherman is only accepting their votes, not giving them money like Ford and Miller.

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